10 January 2013

Thoughts of the Day :)

Have you ever think how easily we vent our anger to the people we love the most? Meanwhile, we need to think a hundred times before finally outburst our anger to someone else.

It took maybe dozens of quarrel to make me realize the answer of that question. I thought we just have a great confidence, that those we love, will always love us without any condition. Moreover, you will think that every mistreatment you do, all you have to do is tell them you are sorry and apologize. And as usual, they will forgive you because tons of love they have for you.  

It is, indeed, certainly not a proper thing to be a habit. Surely there will be a time when they finally feel very tired of our demeanor; they will reach the end of their rope. There will be a time when they felt that that was the last time you were forgiven. Somehow they will eventually leave you, it might be the consequence of your bad behavior, or they just want to keep their own hearts from being hurt. In fact, the worst thing that could happen is when you are too late to apologize; they had already gone, intentionally, yet for good.

There was a story about a student and teacher who was love him a lot. Every mistake he did was always forgiven. He was very cocky, because he thought he could do anything he wanted. If any mistakes has been made, all he need to do was went to his teacher and asked for apologize. With the abundant love for his student, the teacher always forgave him and defended him in front of the other teachers. Until one day, he was playing with a candle in the library up to felt a sleep. However, when he awoke the entire library and the school was burned. He was very scared, he wanted to meet his teacher to have a shelter and apologize. Unfortunately, it has all came too late. He could no longer ask for apologize from his teacher, because his teacher was burned along with the school and library.

Consequently, before everything change into regret, remind yourself to cherish those people you care the most. If you want to be understood, you need to understand them first. If you don’t want to get hurt, then don’t hurt them. Simple rule. In fact, you should realize that they just human being, just like you. They might have fragile heart, and state of patience. And the last, the substantial thing here is we are all—evens those with nerves of steel—have our own time. Either to forgive or to apologize.
*Little note for my self.

04 January 2013

Twenty Thirteen

It's been about 5 or 6 months ago since I posted the last post! I have graduate already (thank God), and I have also been working ever since. A lot of things happened on those 5 months. I miss writing report assignment, I miss my campus suit: tee-jeans-sneaker-backpack, I miss being sleepy in the middle of the class, and that tiny little anxious feeling when the final result was announced is the thing that I miss the most.

A couple of minute ago, before I decided to write one or two paragraph on this post, I saw a post on facebook that said "writing is sharing, sharing is healing". It such a wake up call for me. Something is missing in my heart. Everything's changing. I've been working, I've been living in Jakarta. I left my dearest city. There's a lot of things that I wanted to write, to share, to heal. So, I though my first resolution for this year is start to write again!!

Well, I think I will see you soon.. :)